Reminder to pray for your relationship prayer request!
“Beware in your prayers, above everything else, of limiting God, not only by unbelief, but by fancying that you know what He can do. Expect unexpected things ‘above all that we ask or think.'” Andrew Murray
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If you have a favourite prayer quote, contact me and I will use the quote.
Bless you today!
A reminder to pray for your relationship prayer request:
“As is the business of tailors to make clothes and cobblers to make shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray.” Martin Luther
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To add a prayer quote, click here to contact me.
Bless you today!
Reminder to pray for your relationship prayer request:
I thought I would start out our prayer challenge with a story from Henri Nowen’s book, Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith, that I will tell in my own words. It is such a terrific story about the kind of faith that we can use for this month of prayer. It is the story of the flyer and the catcher in a circus. Nouwen befriended a troupe of trapeze artists. As they talked about the beautiful dance of trapeze flying, the leader of the group shared that as a flyer he must have complete trust in his catcher. The audience sees the flyer as the star but, the leader maintains to Nouwen, it is actually the catcher who does everything. The worst thing a catcher can do is to try to catch the catcher. The flyer could break his own or the catchers wrists,ending their careers. A flyer must fly and trust and a catcher must catch… “when I fly…I have simply to stretch out my arms and hands and wait for him to catch me and pull me safely up.”
May you experience the freedom and trust of flying and being caught in the dance of prayer this month.
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If you have a prayer quote that others might be blessed by, contact me and I will use it for one of our 30 days.
We have not connected since our “Contemplative Ways blog” in January/February. I am writing now to encourage you to join those in our community for a 30-day relationship prayer challenge.
We are now entering the half way point in our year where we sometimes need a challenge to remember one of our purposes in prayer. Some possibilities for this monthly prayer relationship challenge:
For those of you who are choosing the mobile route:
I have not used mobile instead of email to communicate with groups in this way but I notice I like to use texts myself so I am trying this new program out. You will be in my BETA group! We will be in this new adventure together.
Frequently Asked Questions for the mobile texts?
I have a mobile phone but I don’t know how to text?
Press your text icon – then the icon for a new message. At the top of the page see the word ‘To:’ Put in the numbers 75-309. Below that there is a box with the word ‘send’ beside it. You will put the word ‘praying’ in the box. Then press send. You have just sent your first text. Follow the same pattern when you are sending the confirmation email. Any challenges, go to and contact me and I will endeavour to further help you in this new adventure.
What does it mean when the first message says that there may be charges involved?
When you receive the message from Signal (that is the name of the mobile program) that says that there may be charges involved, that would be regarding your mobile phone plan and whether or not you currently pay for text messages.
What if I get tired of receiving the messages before the 30 day challenge is up?
Just send to: 75-309 and put the message ‘stop praying’ in the message box and press send. You will not receive any more messages. If you have any trouble with that just go to and let me know in the contact me box and I will help you.